eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 | Page 52

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When I start promoting eTwinning among new teachers, I always remember that the first step is KISS (Keep It Short and Simple). It is important to start with something simple that students like. During each school year, Teresa Lacerda and I do formal teacher training, the first group of teachers that we have is on September and the other in April. We are a team, so it is not possible to mention my work without including my colleagues. We are responsible for one region and we try to visit schools to promote eTwinning. But whenever it is needed we go to other colleague region to organize bigger events. Usually, we organize teacher training sessions and present some best practice of eTwinning. Ambassadors organize one day events in their region, mine last year was the 12th of October, presenting some web 2.0 tools and the integration on TwinSpace ( Teachers have the opportunity to learn directly from their Ambassadors all they need to know about eTwinning. During this year as ambassador I have collaborated in events such as: Represent our NSS in Budapest – Teacher interview Nacional meeting in Sesimbra ntas-web-20-encontro-nacional-etwinning Participate in eTwinning ambassadors in Greece and take part of the poster session: o entation/etwinning-1611060-vet/ o entation/etwinning-1589282-pdwathens-poster-sessio-teachertraining/ Regional seminar in Castelo Branco -regional-etwinning-castelo-branco Participate in the national meeting in Bragança (north of Portugal) eTwinning conference in Lisbon ICT meeting 2013 CCEMS – Annual teachers meeting ng-um-passo-para-o-sucesso-das-lnguas Promote eTwinning in visit to German school Collaborate with eTwinning review ( by making teacher interview and tutorials about web 2.0 Participate in elearning event about ipads Take part of the group Creative Classroom We have created these channels: - YouTube: o - presentation: o o