Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Specific skills 2: Formulating sentences in concrete
situations of communication
Specific skills 3: Expressing ideas in familiar
contexts to show interest and confidence
Mathematics and environment
General competencies: Identification of
phenomena / relationship / regular / structures in
the students environment
Specific skills 4: showing care for correct behavior
in relation to the natural and social environment
Specific competence 5: Formulation of
consequences resulting from observations of
relationships, phenomena, processes simple
Arts and Technology
General Knowledge: Making creations functional
and / or aesthetic using various basic materials and
Specific skills 6: Making objects / works /
construction, based on spontaneous initiative to
meet project tasks
Music and movement
General Knowledge: Interpretation of songs for
children, with age-specific means
Specific skills 7: Song collectively associating
suggested accompaniment, of rhythm and
A.3. selecting content
Language and communication: speech acts (to
formulate an idea); forms of oral discourse (story
retelling, dialogue)
Mathematics and exploring the environment:
Arts and Technology: working techniques; elements
of visual language; equipment and instruments
Music and movement: singing voice; elements of
A.4.Organizing content / themes
Content and themes are organized in the form of a
plan TwinSpace contributed by the founders, the
other partners can make changes according to the
specific class and curriculum. The project is divided
into activities, each activity is a box of hopscotch.
The platform for the project, activities are referred
appropriately plan their own space in which
partners using Web 2.0 tools demonstrate that they
have achieved their objectives.
A.5. Structuring learning situations, foreshadowing
and joint learning experiences
Language and Communication:
- To dramatize, lectures known, using the finger
puppets on hand puppets, masks
- Participate in discussions in pairs / in groups on
topics of interest (favorite animal, animal rights)
- Formulation of statements by using words,
pictures or data
Mathematics and environment:
- Make albums / collages / animal puzzles
- To carry out experiments to highlight some
features of materials
Arts and Technology:
- To realize collective works with different
techniques and materials
- Make cards, invitations, posters, etc..
- Make games, toys or objects thematic
- Make simple layouts etc..
Music and movement:
- To sing songs accompanied by movements
Example of a learning situation: How to behave
with animals?
- Known to dramatize readings using the finger
puppets on hand puppets, masks
- Participate in discussions in pairs / in groups on
topics of interest (favorite animal, animal rights)
- Formulation of statements by using words,
pictures or data
Method: role playing, bunch
Forms of organization: the groups, in pairs
Means: sheet flipchart, puppet on hand
In the lesson "rabbit drummer" by Spyridon
Vangheli students, cooperative groups are given the
task to develop a cluster in which to record the
texts studied to show animal characters (rabbit
drummer, Fram, polar bear Cezar Petrescu, Girl old
woman and old man's daughter by Ion Creanga,
judgment of fox Petre Ispirescu). Each group has to
nominate two representatives to achieve a dialogue
between two texts animal characters to choose
from. The focus is on how people behave towards
animals. This learning fosters collaborative learning
B. Implementation of the curriculum (organization
learning situations and induction / generation
learning experiences).
Students will achieve animals with Tangram square,
then will analyze geometric figures components
(naming, features, measurement), will practice
communication skills in Romanian and English by
initiating spontaneous dialogues, conducting
advertising or articles, stories and retelling of some
known readings. Natural materials collected at the
beginning of the school year will be processed by
various techniques and tools and turned into toys,