Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------accompanied by movement on rhythm. All photos
and will be processed using Web 2.0 tools.
C. Evaluation of curriculum
C.1. Establishing evaluation criteria and procedures
Activities will be set at the beginning of the
operational objectives and their achievement will be
assessed through observation, group conference,
evaluation by peers, conversations, journals (self).
C.2. The assessment
Communication Checklist
The project is based on developing communication
skills needs this checklist to assess the ability of
listening, participation in discussions, small group
work, oral presentation.
Checklist collaboration
Adapt this list to the specific activities involving
group work and collaboration checklist will be used
at least once a week
Creativity Checklist
Implementation of project activities requires a lot of
creativity, so this list is required. Use right from the
start and will pursue involvement in new
experiences, improve ideas by adding details,
confidence in the quality of work, use of language
in meaningful ways, the original search challenges,
D. Setting / curricular improvement process
The project motivated students, even if they are
small, as it relates to everyday life, in which
animals play an important role. It could be turned
into a multilateral Comenius project, where
partners from different countries to present the
most interesting animals in their area to promote
biodiversity, and the need to take care of them, be
responsible, meet animal rights. In this case, it may
be involved all students participating schools.
Klassenzeitung – An eTwinning Project
by Johanna Chardaloupa
This is an eTwinning project between Greece
(Protypo Peiramatiko Gymnasio Panepistimiou
Patron, Patra) and Turkey (TAKEV Okullari, Izmir)
in German!
All began with an email I received in June 2012
from – until then – an unknown teacher from
Turkey, Selma Pinar. She introduced herself and
explained to me that she is “eager” to work with me
and my students in order to create a common
newspaper with all class and/or school activities of
the following school year (2012-2013) in German!