eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 | Page 37

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Branched Integration by Gabriela Ileana Crisan The branched integration consists in choosing a theme that will be addressed integrated in several disciplines. Hopscotch with animals Aims: - to stimulate the learning of foreign languages - to encourage the collaboration between partners - to develop ICT skills - to educate children to be responsible and take care of animals - to encourage the interest of children to learn about different cultures and traditions Work process:Activities are organized during a school year. The project starts with the presentation of the partners, schools and cities. Then follows the competition to achieve the best logo, presentation of favorite pet in pictures, drawings or toys made by children. In November we get acquainted with culture of partners through songs, games, riddles and puzzles. It will be continued with folk stories in January and April. For Christmas and Easter we made cards and present specific customs. Carnival will be one of the activities in collaboration by videoconferencing called „Let’s have fun together”. In May and June the results and the evaluation of the project are designed. Expected results: dictionary about animals in different languages; e-book with folk stories about animals with children’s drawings; toys, greetings, cards, amulets; audio files with animal voices in all partner countries, calling animals. Public link to the project’s Twinspace: Subjects: Foreign Languages, Informatics / ICT, Language and Literature, Music, Pre-school Subjects, Primary School Subjects Pupil's age: 3 - 11 Tools used: MP3, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings), Project Diary, TwinSpace, Video conference, Web publishing A. Elaboration/designing A.1. Analysis of educational outcomes, general and specific skills targeted and educational needs of students Animals are the best friends of the children. This is a subject about every child loves to talk. A hopscotch animals of different European countries is a reason to explore the culture, customs and language of other people. The activities designed follow the exchange of information and collaboration between partners. Each activity is a box in the hopscotch of the project. A.2. Setting skills Language and Communication General Knowledge: Recepting messages in oral known contexts of communication Specific skills 1: Expressing the interest for receiving oral messages in the known context of communication General Knowledge: Expressing oral messages in various communication situations 37