eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 | Page 34

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Targets: Beyond the obvious targets which were: To learn why the short shots scenes are used To learn how to edit a short clip in the movie maker To be actors/actresses We had some other targets too, not so obvious - those were : To feel comfortable in front of the camera. This was the key point for the success of the project. If some of the pupils had been reacted bad and had been refused to perform the role, the whole project couldn't being proceed as in a such program is needed the totally class participation. Pupils from both school to make the first contact in a funny way as the main idea (beyond the other targets) of the this stage was to break the ice and all students to feel comfortable and enjoy the coming up activities. Stage 2: Medium shots scenes Pupils worked on paper so as to prepare the storyboard for some medium shot scenes There were three types of scenes here : One with the narrator alone to say something One with the narrator(s) in front and an object in the background. One with an object in front and the narrator(s) in the background. This is the stage where school subjects started to be parts of the project. There were 4 different sub-stages here according to agreed targets: 1st sub-stage with the title: Let's play and teach each other This was the logical step after the previous main stage and served the target of knowing each other better through a game. likes. Pupils had to work with Movie Maker and edit their own video clip adding a music theme on the background. Pupils had to prepare a PowerPoint presentation with their likes. All these were uploaded onto our TwinSpace and the pupils from the other country had to match video clip with the PowerPoint presentation thus to “find who likes what” Targets: To learn why the medium shots scenes are used. To learn how to edit a short clip in Movie Maker and to add music in the background. To speak for the first time in front of the camera and thus to exercise their oral ability but also their ability to listen to a foreign language, trying to match a video clip with a PowerPoint presentation. 2nd substage with the title : Tradition or Merry Christmas The idea here was to know each other’s tradition Activities Teams prepared a storyboard for shooting their classmates singing traditional carols and songs in their own language and in English as well, and a storyboard where the narrator explained a traditional custom. Pupils prepared cards with Christmas wishes. Pupils of both schools prepared a “parcel of surprise”, to send to the others, filled with the above cards and some traditional sweets of each country. Activities in this stage were: Pupils had to prepare a medium shot clip with their Pupils worked with Movie Maker to edit the above scenes and to make a video clip with photos. 34