eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 | Page 22

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------d) Emphasizes the diversity of students, in multimodality and multiliteracy (Kalantzis & Cope, 2006). The artful thinking It is a process that brings in the learning process of a different color and a strategy that involves asking deep critical thinking questions such as “what do you see”, and “what do you think”, “what do you understand seeing this piece of art”? The systematic use of art to learning is a key thematic nucleus of a program of Harvard University: the Artful Thinking (entechnos reasoning). The purpose of the Artful Thinking program (Harvard, 2004), is to help teachers to use regularly and systematically the works of art in their teaching in ways that foster critical thinking by offering new dimensions to learning. Blue: I'm asking, I wonder, scan, look into Green: observe and describe Orange: compare and connect Violet: explore the complexity Yellow: scan from different viewing angles Red: motive Case study: Online Training Course of the Directorate of Secondary Education Drama, Learning by Six Thinking Hats "Learning by Six Thinking Hats" is a project implemented by the Directorate of secondary education Drama in collaboration with the Democritus University of Thrace (Department of electrical and computer engineering) and the Diorthodox Center of the Church of Greece, with the methodology of Web Quest and is based on the theoretical model of Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats (Bono, 2000). A special character named Anestis was the key person for many activities. The online activities September 2012 Login – Ice-breaking activities – Our coordinators 1.10-14.10.2012 Grouping – 6 thinking hats 15.10-28.10.2012 Change groups – learning by design 29.10-11.11.2012 Artful thinking 12.11-18.11.2012 Take your favourite hat 19.11.2012-28.02.2013 Plan, Implementation and Assessment of activities at school 1.03-15.03.2013 Submissions of the final products 16.03-25.03.2013 Total evaluation of the online lesson 26.03-28.03.2013 The conference “Learning by 6 Thinking Hats” project in Drama City. Conclusions The annual lesson learning by "Six Thinking Hats" of the Directorate of Drama secondary education, created by innovative volunteer teachers and attended by teachers who wanted to build new projects (eTwinning, Comenius, etc) and transfer their learning outside of class. Distance e-learning gives new opportunities for training of teaching staff in every corner of the Greek territory, irrespective of their geographical location. New technologies by themselves do not improve learning, however a well qualified teacher knows how and when to use it in the lesson in order to create a better learning environment for students outside the classroom. The combination of the three 22