Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------between the teacher and the learners to finish so a
different dimension to the learning object.
Cannot be ignored the offer of asynchronous elearning because it provides many positive
elements, such as-among other things-primary
enrichment material with additional references,
bibliography, or even features for commenting and
discussion that there is no time to be done
The eLearning environment Moodle
Moodle is suitable for online courses, provide
security and end enables the use of list of options,
in order to exchange ideas, questions answered and
hung up. More specifically, it supports multiple and
different types of activities (Forums, Journals, wikis
etc) and allows for registration of interested
students through the Internet. In addition, it is
possible to set, in order to inform students about
their progress, while providing the possibility of
electronic submission of tasks and finally supports
seventy-five different languages, including Greek
(Dougiamas & Taylor, 2002).
The six thinking hats method
It belongs to a set of approaches which are used for
the development of critical and so-called global
thinking. De Bono (2000) is considered a powerful
force worldwide in thematic of creative thinking and
the teaching of thinking as a skill. It is therefore
necessary to make the description of the role of
each hat.
The white hat represents the data an d information
on the situation or problem. It is about the
objective knowledge, more description than
Red Hat represents the emotional perceptions of a
problem or a situation. It is a subjective experience,
emotions and intuition.
The Green Hat produces new ideas, suggestions or
solutions. It symbolizes the open and creative
The Yellow Hat collects the positive aspects of a
proposed solution, the benefits or future benefits.
Represents the positive side of a selected solution.
Black Hat collects all the negative aspects of a
solution or decision. Describes risks or negative
The Blue Hat represents the control of the whole
process. Suggest and guide the next steps, both
during and after the meeting. This hat allows
participants to guide the process and to focus on
the method with the correct direction (Bono, 2000).
Learning by design
It is a useful tool for scientists and educators and is
supplemented by new research and educational
material on the websites &
In particular, it is based on three fundamental
a) the teacher-is-Designer (and co-creator) of
learning environments based on the
requirements of the national curriculum.
b) professional learning is accomplished in the
c) the emphasis is on the improvement of the
performance of pupils with measurable