eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 | Page 20

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------absolutely make them realise their hidden potentials. These conditions could be easily reached in our eTwinning. I know it! You, as well, I am sure of it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ eLearning Theories about Creativity The Combination of “Six Thinking Hats”, “Learning by Design” and “Artful Thinking” Theories by Xanthie Chouliara (PHD St)and Dr Spiros Kioulanis Recently a lot of Greeks educators had the opportunity to learn how to start implementing eLearning theories about creativity in their projects (eTwinning, Comenius, ElOS etc) thus improving the quality of them. The present article has as purpose to explore the meaning of creativity of teachers and issues relating to the development by participating in online training by using the method of "six thinking hats". The logo of “Learning by Six Thinking Hats” project: The online training The term qualification by distance refers to an organically structured set of instruments and procedures, on the basis of which the trainee, although situated at a distance from the teacher or educational institution training, learn how to learn alone and how to operate self-regulatory instruments by a heuristic course self learning (Davis,1992), using specially designed and developed training materials and having support from teachers – consultants (Cropley, 2006). Advantages such as: minimize problems in personal and family life of trainees, as it does not require movement and residence elsewhere from the living and working space, flexibility in the hours and the training time, and an individualised counselling lifelong learning depending on the needs of each Member. A major disadvantage is that presents large retirement rates, compared with the average of traditional face-to-face training (Garrison & Shale, 1987). Synchronous and asynchronous online learning (online training) Synchronous and asynchronous e-learning act complementarily (Bates, 1995). The Synchronous e-learning offers the educational process immediacy 20