Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------started communicating via personal e-mails
regularly (and still keep doing it).
'Mathematicomix' seemed to be our 'twisted point'
in our route of developing our imaginative skills.
We had to be very creative: 5 great Greek
matmematicians served as our main starting point
to create funny stories with all the partners:
imagination was our key to be successful and to
make the tasks as challenging as possible. We
made real experiments with Smarties, did
measurements, figured out new tools to set the
tough tasks for our partnering schools.
Yes, imagination seemed to be more important than
pure knowledge itself: we broke routine ways to
knowledge, we played in order to learn about
maths. We were nominated with the EQL for this
Project and were in nomination for the most
successful eTwinning project 2011.
We became the founders and the owners of the
various eTwinning projects since then:
1 LOCAL ARTISTS /we were awarded with EQLs/:
the goal was to do a research of our local artists
and to compare the style with other countries
(realistic-abstract art), to reflect on other drawings
and to make drawings based on the artists our
students appreciate: imaginative set of tools was
3 LONDON OLYMPICS 2012, I believe, was our
climax b oth in innovative and imaginative use of
many new tools & expressing areas connected to
summer Olympics in many competitive activities:
acrostics, Olympic stamp competition, games &
story competition… The Project was awarded with 8
EQLs and was Croation nominee for the best
eTwinning project 2013. Our blog was viewed by
more than 12 000 people so far.
4 LINGUISTIC SCENERY, founded by Daniela
Bunea's school in Sibiu and our school, was a fastpaced project organized in honour of the European
Day of Languages 26th September 2012. Students
had to be skillful in finding a spot where there is a
word, a slogan, in other language not in their
mother tongue. The jury chose the best photo out
of many sent from 34 partnering schools.
Imagination was in full 'speed', as well.
5 TASTY FLAGS, Croatian-Romanian eTwinning
Project aimed to use the most of one's imagination
in order to create something tasty in the colours of
the national flag of more than 25 different countries
involved. Competitive Project, which combined the
history of the flag and 'played' with the national flag
shape and symbols. The experience and the
upgraded knowledge we all get during the project
processing was fantastic, very memorable.
I would like to end my essay with the words of my
idol, Albert Einstein, who said:
Our school was a twinner with Scottish Balmuidly
Primary School.
2 KING OF MY CASTLE was also awarded with EQLs.
My Romanian partner, Cristina Nicolaita and I, did
our best to foster pupils' imagination by Wallwisher
now Padlet), many interactive videos and other
tools, such as: Picturetrail, SlideShare,
Voicethread, Animoto, Smilebox, Slide, Sketchfu,
GoogleDrive, SlideBoom, Flixtime, Animasher,
ImageChef…). Our students' imagination spread
towards the project icon creations, co-founders
over Wallwisher and many other innovative
imaginative tools.
Teaching our students should, as I was just trying
to demonstrate, be the matter of our ability to
provide our students with their own imagination in
order to enjoy their immense imaginative abilities
they are, actually, not aware of. eTwinning projects