Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The students showed a video of the project which
dealt with the main differences between Rome and
Montagny Le Bretonneux (French partner) as far as
the following topics were concerned: 1) Street Art;
2) School services; 3) Means of transport; 4)
Gastronomic itineraries. All the topics were
translated both into English and French. The
students demonstrated the effectiveness of the
project and asserted they managed to:
1) Implement their language knowledge
2) Implement their ICT capabilities
3) Learn about team work
4) Learn about working in groups
5) Enhance their self-esteem
Imagination Is More Important Than
by Ksenija Vidmar-Nicevic
eTwinning – the Comunity for Schools in Europe
serves as the safe, creative, collaborative platform
for teachers to connect and share ideas not only in
virtual way, but, gradually, it affects real movement
of our students and their teachers in many ways.
Not a long time ago, we, as teachers, used to
motivate the pupils' hidden areas of affective life,
including their very rich imagination by various
techniques designed to foster up students'
imaginative world using storytelling , drawings,
video films e.c.t.
Some 6 years ago EVERYTHING has changed!
We, teachers, stopped being the only/main/central
source in the process of making our students be
creative and imaginative, cooperative and ready to
discover new horizons.
We GOT the eTwinning community!
The students deeply impressed the Headmistress
and the teachers as the boys and girls explicitly
manifested their enthusiasm for eTwinning, a
project they defined as the most adequate tool for a
new way of teaching which allows them to reacquire
the will to learn, making them understand the
European dimension, thus increasing the awareness
of being European citizen.
Students, at first, unsecure and not skillful either in
using various tools and in using foreign language as
their connection to European countries, but, at the
same time, still unaware of their potentials that
were patiently (or not?) waiting inside them-their
perfect world of imagination that has been,
somehow, neglected on their schooling path.
eTwinning projects that were tackling all sorts of
areas and topics, suddenly made the difference.
Our students got born again some 5 years ago:
fresh, almost untouched, in bloom imagination,
helped by most creative ICT tools, allowed our
students express themselves in many different
ways. eTwinning has become their (and our, as
well) favourite 'tool' to demonstrate themselves
(ourselves) through slogans, acrostics, videos,
comics, drawings, roleplays, music, interactive tools
as Voicetread is, and so on.
At first, these students of mine learned how to
design PowerPoints, small videos, video
presentations, quizzes.
'A living map of Europe' was our first eTwinning
project in 2008. Croatia was not among the official
countries, so I registered as a Slovenian teacher!
What a joyful moment it was!Year by year, the
tools we used started to grow together with more
self-confident and enthusiastic attitude towards
eTwinning Projects: all the students wanted to stay
longer after school lessons every single day. We