Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Birth of a project
When you attend such an event, you cannot think
"How little I know!", "How smart these people are!",
"Which may my contribution be?" And numerous
other questions of the same type.
- Why doing an eTwinning project?
- What subjects to choose for a project?
- What tools to use?
- How to be creative?
- Will the project really involve students?
- What activities to do?
- How to organize these activities?
- What objectives to give priority to?
- How to make a quality project?
- How to evaluate students' work?
- How to evaluate my work?
In short, a whole series of questions needed to
determine whether it is worthwhile to do a project
and to define it in its grand lines.
Suddenly, in the twinkling of an eye, here all comes
to life with the fortuitous meeting of an eTwinner
during a workshop on active citizenship. The
dreamed partner, the partner looked for, the
partner expected now materializes, takes life,
acquires a personality, a face, a name: Renate
Gerber (Austria).
adaptable, like a child waiting to grow, to become
what the participants want to do with it.
With great emotion, the TwinSpace of the project
just born is opened for the first time. It is done! For
better or for worse, this is the first thought that
invade me.
Who knows what it will become?
Francoise Altamura is an eTwinning ambassador in
Lati um, Italy and a French conversation teacher at
High School V. Gassman of Rome and High School
I. Vian of Bracciano.
Spring Campaign 2013 in Rome at Stendhal
High School – Discovering eTwinning
by Roberta Manfredi
The next instant, the project takes form objectives,
methods, tools, expected results are defined as well
as an overall schedule is determined. Then, a title is
searched laboriously with discussion, opinions,
interpretation, and finally, here it is: "La porte à
The project starts...
The project just born, is not pretentious, it is ready
to suggestions and changes, it is flexible and
Stendhal High School in Rome was protagonist of a
‘Spring Campaign’ event organized by eTwinning
Ambassador Roberta Manfredi in collaboration with
eTwinning Ambassador Noemi Lusi as part of the
promotion activities aiming at spreading out its
fundamental didactic role. Many were the teachers
involved together with the Headmaster and the
boys and girls who actively took part this year to
the multilateral project “European Cities”.