eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 | Page 23

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------theories about creativity (six thinking hats learning by design - artful thinking) was effective by giving the opportunity to the participants to be more creative than ever. References: Barahal, S. L. (2008). Thinking about thinking: Preservice teachers strengthen their thinking artfully. The Phi Delta Kappan, 90(4), pp. 298-302. Retrieved April, 14, 2013, from Bates, T.A.W. (1995). Technology, Open Learning and Distance Education. New York, NY: Routledge. Blair, K., & Monske, E. (2003). Cui bono?: Revisiting the promises and perils of online learning. Computers and Composition, 20, 441– 453. Bono (de),E. (2000). Six Thinking Hats. ed. Penguin Crawley, R. M. (1999). Evaluating CSCL – Theorists’ & Users’ Perspectives. Retrieved April, 14, 2013, from[/paper1.htm Cropley, A. (2006). Creativity: A Social Approach. Roeper Review, 28(3), 125-140. Davis, G. (1992). Creativity is forever. Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt. Dougiamas, M. & Taylor, P. (2002). “Interpretive analysis of an Internet-based course constructed using a new courseware tool called Moodle”, Paper presented at the 2002 International Conference of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australia (HERDSA), Perth Garrison, D. & Shale, D. (1987). Mapping the boundaries of distance education: problem s in defining the field, The American Journal of Distance Education 1(1), 4-13. Harvard, (2004). Project Zero: Artful thinking, University Harvard, USA. Retrieved April, 14, 2013, from Ηarvard. (2004). Project Zero & Artful Thinking. Retrieved April, 14, 2013, from Holmberg, B. (1995). Theory and Practice of Distance Education (2nd ed.). London: Routledge. 6.png Xanthie Chouliara (Med – Phd St) is a Primary School head teacher at Primary School of Highland Zone of Zakynthos island. She is also an International Coordinator, a teacher4europe 20112013 and an active eTwinner since 2005. ~ Dr Spiros N. Kioulanis (M.Sc., M.Ed., Ph.D) is the Director of Secondary Education in the Prefecture of Drama and a Professor Tutor at the Hellenic Open University. He is also the creator of the online lesson “learning by six thinking hats”. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 23