eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 | Page 14

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Before finishing, I would like to admit that eTwinning is for me, above all, an open door to meet, communicate and collaborate with people FOR LIFE, not until the end of a project! I am so happy to have friends all over the world! Thank you. Mihai Calalb. Thus, before the official opening of eTwinning Plus in March 2013, I was already registered on the platform, the first registered teacher from Republic of Moldova (as I later found out from our coordinator). I got registered to one of the available courses, i.e. ”The pedagogical value of eTwinning projects”, a course that made me much richer, as I found out so many useful things, tools to be used in the classroom, that I need my whole life to use all of them, but technology evolves, and we need to keep pace with everything. How would we do that without eTwinning? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My eTwinning Odyssey by Tatiana Popa My friendship with the eTwinning educational collaboration platform began at the end of winter, more exactly, when I discovered it on the site of our Ministry of Education. A young teacher, full of enthusiasm, always looking for something new for her pupils, found exactly what she was looking for – a place that abounds in ideas for collaboration projects, a place where a teacher can permanently grow professionally, where Lifelong Learning is at home, where the teachers are so eager to share their experience with the new-comers that I do not know if there is anyone not wanting to embrace this friendly, open-minded, experienced community that looks towards everything that is new in the pedagogical field! Thus, during my eTwinning odyssey, I discovered a project that suited me, a short-term one, as we were at the end of the school year, and I joined it, together with my pupils. The project ”Let’s celebrate Easter together”,was initiated by Dorota Narowska from Poland and Efi Karagianni from Greece, and later it was joined by schools from Croatia, Romania and Republic of Moldova. It was an unforgettable experience, with friendly teachers and active pupils, we all made new friends, discovered new places on the map, enlarged our horizons. What else could motivate our pupils to study more, or us, the teachers, to put all our heart into our profession? I found it difficult to register, as my country was still not included in the eTwinning family, but the coordinators from eTwinning Romania sent the information quickly to our country coordinator, 14