Eta Lambda Omega 2017 Souvenir Journal | Page 18

Scholarship Recipients Zayala Fitzgerald is the Social Jus:ce and Economic Development Scholarship recipient. Zayala a?ends Maranatha High School where she is a cheerleader and won first place in the Business Plan CompeHHon. She will a?end UCLA and plans to major in PoliHcal Science. Zayala enjoys listening to music, watching sports, hiking and cooking. She has volunteered for Habitat for Humanity, Heal the Bay and the NaHonal Congress of Black Women. Ramata Franklin is the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math Scholarship recipient. She a?ends Maranatha High School where she founded and serves as co-President of the Key Club. In the fall she will a?end USC where she intends to major in Neuroscience with a Pre-Med track. Ramata is a candy striper at HunHngton Hospital and in her spare Hme enjoys dancing, wriHng, traveling and laughing. Shannon Larsuel is the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math Scholarship recipient. She a?ends Mayfield Senior School and currently serves on the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Royal Court as a Princess. In the fall she will a?end Yale University and major in Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology on the Pre-Medicine track. Shannon enjoys reading, traveling, watching documentaries and hanging out with family and friends. Lauryn Miller is the Muir High School Scholars’ Chat Scholarship recipient. She is a senior at John Muir High School where she serves as Associated Student Body President and is on the Principal’s Honor Roll. In the fall she will a?end Prairie View A&M University and plans to major in Nursing. Lauryn enjoys cleaning and watching movies. Laurnz Powell is a Young African American Male Scholarship recipient. Laurnz a?ends John Muir High School where he is on the Principal’s Honor Roll and has won high academic achievement awards. In the fall he will a?end UCLA where he plans to major in English. In his spare Hme he enjoys wriHng, recording and audio engineering. 18