Scholarship Chairmen
GreeHngs from Eta Lambda
Omega’s 2017 Scholarship
Commi?ee Co-Chairmen.
On behalf of the Alpha Kappa
Alpha Sorority, Eta Lambda
Omega Chapter Scholarship
Commi?ee, we would like to
welcome you and extend our
sincere graHtude to you for
a?ending our annual Fashione?a and Scholarship Luncheon.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority began at Howard University in 1908 and
educaHon has always been our focus. Since 2000, the Pasadena Chapter
of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. has awarded over $175,000 in
scholarships and book awards to graduaHng seniors from the San
Gabriel Valley. We make a difference in the community. Each year we
parHcipate Pasadena Unified School District’s Annual College Fair and
host a free scholarship workshop which provides high school students
valuable informaHon on preparing financially for college. The workshop
provides valuable informaHon on locaHng scholarships, compleHng the
applicaHons, wriHng effecHve essays, and preparing for interviews.
Also, our scholarship commi?ee members provide knowledge,
resources and real life experiences as presenters, speakers and role
models at our monthly LunchHme Scholars’ Chat program at John Muir
High School.
Your presence at our annual event, along with your on- going financial
support is greatly appreciated. We could not achieve our goals or
accomplish all of many wonderful things we do in the community
without YOU!
CongratulaHons to all of the 2017 Scholarship Recipients and Book
Brenda Harvey- Williams and Jeane Ward
ETA Lambda Omega Scholarship Co- Chairmen