Scholarship Recipients
Trejon Shelton is the Young African American Male Scholarship recipient . Trejon a ? ends Loyola High School where he plays baseball and is a founding member of the Mandarin / Chinese Club . Trejon will conHnue his educaHon in the fall at Tulane University where he plans to major in InternaHonal RelaHons and minor in Mandarin . In his spare Hme , Trejon enjoys drawing , watching movies , listening to and composing music and playing baseball .
Brock Steele is the Special Needs Scholarship recipient . Brock a ? ends St . Francis High School where he played football and is on the track team . In the fall he will a ? end the California MariHme Academy and major in Global Studies and MariHme Affairs . Brock ’ s hobbies include reading , wriHng , sports , theater and working out .
Rhema Taylor is the Most Improved GPA Scholarship recipient . She a ? ends Pasadena High School where she is a cheerleader and involved in student government . In the fall Rhema will a ? end Xavier University of Louisiana and plans to major in Biology . She enjoys cheerleading , acHng , singing , dancing and reading .
Kinsley Washington is the Social Jus : ce and Economic Development Scholarship recipient . She a ? ends La Salle High School where she is a standout soqball player and a member of the NaHonal Honor Society . In the fall she will a ? end UCLA where she plans to major in Forensic Psychology . Kinsley ’ s hobbies include singing , dancing , soqball and traveling .