Leadership Transformation
mental, respectful, caring, compas-
sionate, safe conversations about fear
starts at the top. Leaders have to take
the first steps in being vulnerable with
others and leaders need to have the
conversations with others that result in
the co-creation of the rules of en-
gagement that can lead to creating an
environment where it is psychological-
ly safe for employees to talk about and
work through their fears of change.
We have learned that for many
leaders it is much easier to start the
fear discussion by asking them a
series of questions: “Why would your
employees be fearful of the change
that is needed? What can you do to
mitigate that fear?” Then move to
the personal discussion. “What about
you — what fears do you have about
the transformation? How can you
mitigate your fear?” Transformation
is very personal, and though we read
studies and survey outcomes, we very
infrequently hear about reasons for
the fears. Acknowledging that every-
one has personal reasons for their
fears is a powerful step.
Then managers and leaders can have
conversations with small groups of em-
ployees and ask them what they need
from the company in order not to be so
fearful and to be courageous. Leaders
and managers can ask employees: “How
can I help you feel safe here? What do I
need to do differently?”
We are not saying you should lower
your standards of performance. What we
are saying is that if you want big changes
in human behaviors, you need to face
fear in the workplace courageously, both
individually and organizationally.
As Abraham Maslow so aptly stated:
“An individual engages in learning to
the extent he (or she) is not crippled by
fear and to the extent he (or she) feels
safe enough to dare.”
EDWARD D. HESS is a professor of
business admin-
istration, Batten
idence and a
Batten Faculty
Fellow at the Uni-
versity of Virginia’s
Darden School of
DR. DONNA MURDOCH is an adjunct
assistant professor of Adult Learning and
Leadership at Co-
lumbia University
Teachers College
and a partner at
Rose Rock Dynam-
ics. This article first
appeared in UVA’s
Darden Ideas to
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