Essentials Magazine Essentials Summer 2019 | Page 41

Leadership Transformation the new desired mindsets and behav- iors that are necessary to successfully accomplish the transformation. We all know that change is hard — especially in successful companies. People can become complacent in do- ing what they already do, especially if it has worked well in the past. But the old corporate axiom “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it” no longer applies in an en- vironment of fast-paced technological change. Successful organizations today have to be constantly proactive, not reactive and defensive. Transformation requires the mit- igation of fear. Mitigating the fear of failing, the fear of not knowing what to do, the fear of learning new skills, and the fear of losing one’s position or job. Change can be scary for employees — especially for employees who do not have the skills needed for the new way of working, and especially for employees who do not have significant financial reserves to fall back upon if they find themselves needing to change jobs. Peo- ple cannot learn when they are fearful. What has surprised us in our trans- formation work is that leaders and managers can be just as fearful of the transformative change as employees. For managers and executives, the fear can be a fear of losing what they now have (power, status, responsibilities) or the anxiety about whether they have the abilities to do what will be necessary in order to lead in this new era. We have seen leaders sink underneath confer- ence tables when it was suggested that they do a transformative pilot program. The fear of not knowing can be big. Managers and leaders can deal with these fears many different ways. Reflexive responses can be: • The “corporate grin and nodding yes” with the internal talk being “no way” • Doing the minimal necessary to buy into the change or transformation initiative, hoping to make it to stock option vesting or retirement doing what one has done before • Delegating responsibility for the change initiative to a group, creating dis- tance — not having direct responsibility for the initiative so failure is not attribut- ed to them • Half-heartedly undertaking the transformation, believing this initiative — like many in the past — will blow over We have seen all of these attitudes in the last few years inside very suc- cessful companies that have embarked on a major transformation initiative. How does a leadership team get to the place where they can admit their individual fears and find ways to support each other in acknowledging and working through those fears? How does a leadership team create a work environment that makes it easier for employees to deal with their fears? An answer to these questions begins with “the why.” THE WHY The first part of mitigating fear is having a reason to embrace the fear — a story that each employee can identify with in answering the question: Why should I change? That story is a story of why the organization must change and a story of why each individual needs to learn new ways of working to enable that organizational change. Employees need to make meaning personally of the Why in ways that that make sense to them. That “making sense” must emo- tionally connect with the individual. Often, we need to help people find the “WIFM” — the what’s in it for me? Will it help me stay relevant? Will it help my career? Will it help me a better person or more successful in my life? We don’t usually know what will resonate, but ultimately the motivation needs to come from an intrinsic place. Conversations with employees individu- ally and/or in small teams are necessary. The company story and the common individual whys must be continuously discussed and referred to for a long pe- riod of time until the new way of work- ing becomes a habit. And the new way of working requires people to embrace their fears and to have the courage to go forward. Change is hard. Helping people buy in to change takes time and effort by leaders and managers. If people buy in to the Why then they can move to “the how.” What mindsets and behaviors will be needed to accomplish the transformation? What kind of work environment is needed to enable those new mindsets and behav- iors — both culturally and process-wise? THE HOW With respect to mitigating fear, culturally the leadership needs to create a “psychologically safe workplace”, following the research of Professor Amy Edmondson of Harvard Business School. A psychologically safe workplace is one where people agree to do no harm to each other and to act civilly at all times. It is a place where everyone can speak up, be candid and have difficult conver- sations without the fear of — or actual — punishment or retribution. It is a place where it is safe to challenge the status quo, to challenge each other’s thinking, to challenge higher-ups’ thinking and decisions, to admit one’s mistakes, and to say I don’t know. A safe workplace should mitigate corporate politics and internal competi- tion, and it should enable collaboration, teamwork and learning. In order for that to happen, leaders and managers need to empower people and ensure their safety. Leaders need to show their own weaknesses; they need to fail in front of others and pick themselves back up and try again. Initiatives and trials need to be rewarded, not only the successes, but the effort and spirit. At some point this becomes the norm. CONQUERING FEAR Everyone is fearful — individual differences are a matter of degree. And what differs is how one manages his or her fears. Behaviorally, how do leaders enable workers to overcome their fears? How do leaders learn to personally embrace and deal with their own fears? Lead- ers need to become more human by acknowledging their fears publicly to others and encouraging their direct re- ports to do the same. Having nonjudg- essentials | 41