Equalities Report | Page 37

37 Staff Development Staff development in respect of equality and inclusion remains a key priority. All staff are required to complete mandatory training in equality and inclusion. In addition to this all new staff receive training at Corporate Induction on equality and inclusion. Equality and Inclusion is also delivered as part of the Leadership and Management Programme. There are also a variety of staff development opportunities that are provided across the academic calendar to raise awareness and understanding of equality and inclusion areas. The College is committed to CPD and staff complete at least 6 days’ staff development per year to update and develop their skills. Staff can attend training throughout the year and dedicated staff development weeks are also facilitated for all staff during February, June and August each year. Equality and inclusion is a priority training area and the CPD opportunities include many seminars, workshops and staff learning that have an equality and inclusion focus including mental health, dyslexia awareness, transgender and cultural awareness. In addition to the above the Equality and Inclusion team provide bespoke training to teams across the College to enhance understanding of equality and inclusion. A new Professional and Personal Development Review (PPDR) for staff is currently being implemented. The PPDR will review set objectives and identify staff learning and development that is required to ensure that staff skills in equality and inclusion as well as other competency areas are further developed and enhanced. www.ayrshire.ac.uk