Equalities Report | Page 38

38 Human Resources Processes Human Resources have aligned systems and processes to ensure that equality is mainstreamed within all areas of activity. Equality and inclusion is embedded within recruitment and selection processes as well as aligning systems to gather, monitor and analyse equality data. Staff Recruitment and Selection Processes An enhanced recruitment and selection service has been commended by applicants and candidates. Our aim is to attract and retain staff irrespective of their sex, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, religion or belief, race, disability, pregnancy or maternity, marriage or civil partnership and to eliminate discrimination on any of those characteristics. Human Resources are continuing to develop systems to monitor and analyse a wider range of equalities data and reporting structures. There is also a dedicated Equality and Inclusion team, to ensure that equality and inclusion is at the heart of the College’s business. This team focuses on both student and staff perspectives and aims to promote equality and inclusion, identify and remove barriers to participation, influence behavioural and cultural change and implement legislative requirements. The Equality and Inclusion team also champions best practice throughout the College. Ayrshire College Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Equality 2013-15