Equalities Report | Page 36

36 Mainstreaming Equality within Staff Governance & Management The College has a clear vision, mission and values that demonstrates a firm commitment to equality and inclusion. This commitment is reflected in all governance and management arrangements at every level of the College. The Regional Outcome Agreement (2014-2017) integrates our commitment to equality and inclusion and identifies a clear set of corporate aims designed to ensure that equality of opportunity and the on-going development of a culturally diverse community underpin all aspects of activity. In addition to the above a staff Governance Standard has also been developed by the College’s staff. Staff Governance is a system of corporate accountability for the fair and effective management of all staff and underpins the culture of Ayrshire College. The Standard was developed following significant input from staff and is currently being embedded and monitored within the College through the Quality Enhancement planning and team-evaluation processes. We are committed to ensuring that the College fully embraces the principles of equality and inclusion in our daily practices, activities and policies and we aim to implement best practice consistently. As such, we aim to embed fairness and equality into all areas of our work including every stage of the student journey, learning and teaching, staff recruitment and development and the day to day management of the College as a whole. The College’s Governance and Management Reports can be accessed through the links below: > Regional Outcome Agreement 2014-17 > Strategic Plan 2014-17 > Staff Governance Standard 2013-15 > Regional Outcome Agreement Addendum 2015-16 Policy and Processes An Equality and Inclusion Policy, aligned Equality Outcomes and an Equality Impact Assessment Toolkit have been developed to support the mainstreaming of equality and inclusion. Prior to merger, all 3 legacy colleges developed standardised Equality Outcomes so that these could be easily aligned post-merger for the new single Ayrshire College. These Equality Outcomes remain relevant and are monitored to ensure that they remain so as we move forward. An Equality Impact Assessment Toolkit is available for staff and training has been provided to support use of the toolkit. Ayrshire College Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Equality 2013-15