Equalities Report | Page 33

33 Sexual orientation can be a difficult area to obtain information on and some people do not want to declare their sexual orientation for perfectly valid reasons. This is also reflected nationally as there are no authoritative figures for sexual orientation amongst the general population. 63.89% of staff at the College have identified as being heterosexual and 0.78% of staff have identified as being either a gay woman, a gay man or bisexual. National data suggests the population of lesbian, gay or bisexual people as being between 1.5% (Office for National Statistics) to 6% (Stonewall). The remaining 31.63% of staff have chosen not to declare their sexual orientation. Staff Marital Status Profile 2013-14 Marital Status Unknown Widowed 29.71% 0.9% Separated 1.54% Prefer not to say 1.41% Never Married/CP Married/Civil Partnered 19.46% 43.66% Divorced 43.66% of staff are married or in a civil partnership, 25.37% are separated or not married or in a civil partnership. www.ayrshire.ac.uk