Equalities Report | Page 32

32 Staff Religion/Belief Profile 2013-1 Unknown 74.90% Roman Catholic 2.05% Prefer not to say 1.66% Religion Pagan 0.13% Other Christian 1.41% None 9.73% Church of Scotland 9.86% Buddhist 0.13% Another Religion/Belife 0.13% The table above details the current data available for staff in relation to religion, belief and no religion or belief. The majority of staff who have declared a religion are Church of Scotland category (9.86%) closely followed by None category (9.73%). However the ‘unknown’ category accounts for 74.9% of staff and therefore an accurate analysis is not possible. Staff Sexual Orientation Profile 2013-14 70.00% 63.89% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 31.63% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 0.26% Bisexual 0.26% 0.26% 3.71% Gay Man Gay Woman/ Hetrosexual Prefer Lesbian not to say Ayrshire College Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Equality 2013-15 Unknown