Equalities Report | Page 31

31 Staff Ethnicity Profile 2013-14 Unknown 11.14% White Welsh 0.13% White Scottish 70.81% White Polish 0.13% White Irish White English Ethnicity White British 0.90% 3.97% 9.22% Prefer not to say 0.51% Pakistani 0.13% Other Asian background 0.13% Other African background 0.13% Do not wish to provide 0.26% Black African 0.13% Any other White 2.18% Any mixed background 0.26% Staff ethnicity indicates that the majority of staff identify as white Scottish (70.81%) with around 1% from the ethnic minority community. Although this indicates that staff diversity could be higher, this profile reflects the local Ayrshire population (of which the majority of staff reside). Further work in relation to attracting staff from a wider diversity of backgrounds is ongoing. The Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic populations of Ayrshire can be difficult to ascertain at any one time due to migration to and from these areas however information from the last census estimates that the BME population of Ayrshire is 0.9% (Scottish Government, 2005). Therefore, this figure of 1% is broadly equivalent with the local populations which the College serves. www.ayrshire.ac.uk