Equalities Report | Page 34

34 Review of Equality Outcomes Ayrshire College is an inclusive and vibrant College committed to delivering high quality and accessible learning and teaching experiences. The requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and Public Sector Equality Duty are crucial to ensuring that the College continues to embed and mainstream equality and inclusion within all of its activities and to support the College to be accessible to everyone within our communities. The equality outcomes were prepared following an extensive programme of research, analysis and evaluation of the experiences of the students, service users and staff and a range of national indicators were also considered to support the outcomes. We regard our equality outcomes as an important strategic document, and an essential tool in supporting our continued commitment and success in relation to equality and inclusion. Overall the purpose of the equality outcomes and the associated action plan is to: > outline a framework for ensuring equality of opportunity, supporting inclusion, and celebrating inclusion > act as a tool to support positive change that impacts on students, staff and the College community as a whole > enable everyone associated with the College to have a clear understanding of our commitment to equality and inclusion > facilitate our on-going monitoring and e