PM Sessions , continued
Session I — 6-12 Social Studies Teachers
Diving into Dimension 4 : Taking Informed Action in Action
Jennifer Murrihy
Location : JFK 25 WHITE
In this session , secondary social studies teachers will unpack the dimension four inquiry standards to identify what students need to know , understand , and do to communicate conclusions and take informed action . Through experiential discovery of exemplars from the field , teachers will reflect upon current practice and revise plans to incorporate teaching moves which support this work .
Session J — 6-12 Science Teachers
NGSS — Aligned Performance
Assessments Chris Ponte Location : EHS E304
In this session , we will review our recently-developed performance assessment rubric , which attendees will use to guide their development of new NGSS-aligned performance assessments .
12:15 to 3:15 PM
Session K — 6-8 Shifting to the Learner-Centered Classroom — Advanced Session Deborah Gaskell & Kristen Fitzsimons Location : JFK 35 BLACK
This session will build upon last year ’ s introductory session , as well as the AM session . After reviewing some of the big ideas of learnercentered instruction , such as behaviorist and constructivist theory , motivational theory , and the CT Common Core of Teaching expectations , the focus of this PD will quickly shift to application . It will prompt participants to re-think how students access curriculum . Please bring your teaching area curriculum outline in order to break down unit concepts into ready-to-use , learner-centered activities .
Session L — 3-12 English & Social Studies Teachers Creating a Type III Project for your
Motivated Leaners Brian Zawodniak Location : JFK Innovation Lab
We all have that one student who needs enrichment beyond the curriculum . Wouldn ’ t it be great to have them pick their passion and produce a professional presentation that can be shown to an authentic audience ? Come find out some quick and easy ways to facilitate their academic passion that will not be taxing on your schedule .
Enfield Public Schools
Session M — K-2 Integrating NGSS Engineering Design Standards into Your
John Dague Location : Barnard APR
In this session , teachers will work through an NGSS Engineering Design performance task based on the K-2 standards . Teachers will learn how the science and engineering practices can be used to enhance instruction in any science unit .
Session N - 9-12 English Teachers Integrating Research-Based ELA
Instructional Strategies Matt Murray Location : EHS A318
Teachers will have the opportunity to integrate instructional strategies , practices , and skills to continue to build rigor in our current curriculum and assessments . Teachers will also have the opportunity to share and create standards-based instructional activities that promote student engagement and increase achievement . We will discuss the connections between standards-based curriculum , assessment , and instruction and how they impact student achievement .
Session O — 9-12 Math Teachers
Integrating Research-Based Mathematics
Instructional Strategies
Mike Pescitelli Location : EHS E237
Teachers will have the opportunity to integrate instructional strategies , practices , and skills to continue to build rigor in our current curriculum and assessments . Teachers will also have the opportunity to share and create standards-based instructional activities that promote student engagement and increase achievement . We will discuss the connections between standards-based curriculum , assessment , and instruction and how they impact student performance on student achievement .
Session P — 3-5 Great Books : Non-Fiction Inquiry Great Books Consultant Location : JFK 24 White
This session will engage participants in exploring how the Shared Inquiry method of learning helps all students lean to read nonfiction with greater comprehension . Through modeling and small group work , teachers will learn :
� How a sequence of activities can be used to guide and support all students through the reading process .
� How effective interpretive and evaluative questions spark higher-level thinking and discussion .
� How a teacher ’ s use of an inquiry stance and follow-up questions during discussions engage students and deepen understanding .