PM Sessions , continued
Session Q — K , 1,4,5 , & Elementary SPED Teachers LEGO : 6 Bricks Training Location : LEGO COMPASS HOUSE — 555 Taylor Road
Six Bricks is a hands-on tool for learning using LEGO R DUPLO bricks . Students can practice memory skills , movement , creativity , and more . Participants receive a class set of Six Bricks and through play , will learn several activities that can be used with children in the classroom the next day . Activities are easily adapted to match students ’ skills and interests , and best of all , the activities are FUN ! Teachers will also explore the theory of playful learning .
Session R — K , 1,4,5 , & Elementary SPED Teachers LEGO : 6 Bricks Training Location : LEGO COMPASS HOUSE — 555 Taylor Road
Six Bricks is a hands-on tool for learning using LEGO R DUPLO bricks . Students can practice memory skills , movement , creativity , and more . Participants receive a class set of Six Bricks and through play , will learn several activities that can be used with children in the classroom the next day . Activities are easily adapted to match students ’ skills and interests , and best of all , the activities are FUN ! Teachers will also explore the theory of playful learning .
12:15 to 3:15 PM
Session S — K-4 Delivering Targeted Instruction through Mini-Lessons Meghann Burr & Michelle Middleton Location : Barnard Room 6 This session will provide teachers time to collaborate on the second cycle of information writing , with a focus on looking at student writing and planning mini-lessons based on students ’ needs . Teachers are asked to bring the current or upcoming information unit of study , as well as students ’ published work from the previous information writing unit .
Session T — 7-12 World Language Teachers
Student Engagement in World
Language Classrooms Amy Jensen Location : EHS A231 This session is a double – faceted session . To begin the session , a variety of games that can be used within the World Language classroom will be presented . Those in attendance will participate in the games , and there will be discussions on how the games can be adapted to the variety of language levels . The second portion of the session will be a share out , where teachers are asked to bring any games or highly-engaging activities that they use in their classrooms to share with the group .
Enfield Public Schools
Session U — PK
Block Play Janine Chapdelaine Location : Stowe Room 15
In this session , teachers will learn strategies and techniques that promote exploration in block play with a focus on building structures and enclosures . We will discuss how to ask questions that promote scientific thinking and encourage children to develop and strengthen inquiry skills .
Session W — PK-12 Dyslexia : Accommodations and Modifications in the General
Education Setting Julie Giaccone Location : Barnard Rm 19
In this session , Julie Giaccone , an education specialist from CREC , will review the educational classification of Dyslexia and discuss recommendations and implementation practices for appropriate accommodations and modifications for students with Dyslexia in general education settings .
Session V — 9-12
Promoting Meaningful Academic Discourse
Erin Clark Location : EHS E330
Do you crave time to have meaningful conversations with your peers about what works in the classroom ? Here in Enfield , we are fortunate to have a cadre of highly-skilled professionals with much to offer their peers . The Educator Exchange Sessions are designed to build the collective capacity of our entire staff by enlisting the expertise of people within our district . Each session will start with a brief presenter-led overview of best practices , which will lead into an open discussion of strategies that work in the classroom . This particular session will focus on how to incorporate meaningful discourse into the classroom . All attendees are asked to bring samples of lesson plans , handouts , rubrics , student work , or any other materials or ideas related to promoting meaningful student-to-student discourse in the classroom .
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