Administering Medications at School
Administering medications including oral , topical , or inhalant prescriptions , over the counter oral and topical medications , holistic herbs , dietary supplements and vitamins by the school nurse is strictly regulated . A standard medical form completed by the parent or guardian and family physician is required . This is to be updated yearly , or when the prescription is changed . Parents are responsible for delivering medication and collecting unused portions of prescribed medication . The medication must be in the original bottle bearing the label of the pharmacy where it was purchased along with the instructions for administering the medicine .
Accidents , Illness and Medicine
Students needing attention for minor injuries will be cared for by the school nurse or in case of his / her absence , other school personnel . If it is necessary for a child to be sent home due to a serious accident or illness , the parent will be notified . The parent or his designee is expected to pick up the child in the school office promptly .
It is vital that parents arrange to provide two emergency names and telephone numbers for the school ’ s use in the event a parent cannot be contacted by telephone either at home or at his / her place of employment . The school must be notified of any changes in telephone number , including unlisted numbers , and family doctors , in order to keep this information current . Unlisted numbers are kept strictly confidential .
It is important that the school be notified of any treatment prescribed for any illness , injury or chronic condition .