EPS: Pre-K Handbook 2023-24 | Page 14

Health Room Practices 1 . Students are always sent home from school under the following conditions :
• Temperatures greater than 100 .
• Active vomiting and / or diarrhea .
• Suspected contagious disease such as
• conjunctivitis ( pink eye ), chicken pox , strep
• throat , scarlet fever , lice , impetigo , scabies , and
• ring worm .
• Undiagnosed body rashes .
2 . Students must be without fever , vomiting , or diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school .
3 . Students with contagious disease must meet the following criteria before re-entry to school :
• Conjunctivitis- on medication for 24 hours and show proof of treatment .
• Chicken Pox- out of school a minimum of 7 days with all pox scabbed over .
• Head Lice re-entry is permitted when student no longer has an active infestation which will be determined through examination by the school nurse .
• Impetigo- lesion must be dry .
• Ringworm- over the counter treatment may be used and the area must be covered .
• Scabies- may return with proof of and after 8 hours of treatment .
• Strep throat / scarlet fever- on medication for a minimum of 24 hours .
4 . Basic first-aid treatment given by the nurse may include use of rubbing alcohol , antibiotic ointment , caladryl , orasol , campho-phenique contact solution , eye irrigating solution , first aid cream , glucose gel or tablets , hydrogen peroxide , petroleum jelly , providone iodine , and sting relieving swabs or wipes .