EPS: Pre-K Handbook 2023-24 | Page 12

Health and Health Records A child ’ s readiness to learn depends upon many factors , not the least of which is the child ’ s health . Understanding both the importance and responsibility to ensure each child ’ s health , the State of Connecticut has laws and the Enfield Board of Education has policies which mandate certain responsibilities upon both the parents and the schools .
Children entering between 24-59 months of age
• Health Assessment :
Documentation of a current Physical exam must be submitted prior to attending .
A physical exam cannot have been done more than 1 year prior to entrance . ( i . e .
if the student ’ s start date is 10 / 4 / 19 the physical must be completed after
10 / 4 / 18 .) Results of this exam must be recorded on a State of Connecticut yellow
Health Assessment Form .
• TB Screening :
As part of the health assessment , the student is screened for TB risks . If low risk ,
it must be recorded on the health assessment form . If the student is a high risk
for TB , then the results of a Mantoux test must be recorded on the health
assessment form .
• Immunizations :
DTaP :
4 doses by 18 months .
Polio :
3 doses by 18 months .
1 dose on or after the1 st birthday .
( Measles , Mumps ,
Rubella )
Hep B :
3 doses , last one on or after 24 weeks of age .
Hepatitis A :
2 doses given 6 months apart , 1 st dose
on or after the 1 st birthday .
1 dose on or after the 1 st birthday .
Pneumococcal :
1 dose on or after the 1 st birthday .
Influenza :
1 dose administered each year
Between August 1 st – December 31 st ( 2 doses separated by 28
required for those receiving flu for the 1 st time )
1 dose on or after the 1 st birthday or verifications of disease .
Each elementary school has a full-time nurse assigned . The nurse is available for first aid procedures and the administration of medicines ( by physician ’ s orders only ). School nurses do not diagnose specific illnesses . In the case of illness , you will be notified so that medical diagnosis and necessary treatment can be secured from your physician .