Services Offered to Students
School Pictures Individual pictures for school records are taken every year and are offered for sale to the children on a prepaid basis . You are not obligated to purchase these pictures .
What to Bring to School ?
• Sturdy Backpack :
We encourage independence . Please be sure the backpack is sturdy enough for your child to learn to zip independently and large enough to carry a snack and school material .
• Change of Clothes
Please make sure that these are in a bag labeled with your child ’ s name . also , please provide pull-ups and wipes , if used by your child .
• Snack
Snack time provides an opportunity for children to socialize , use language and fine motor skills . We have snack time daily . Conversation is encouraged and independence is fostered as appropriate . A snack should be brought from home . We encourage parents to send in healthy , nutritious snack with their child each day . Examples : fruits , vegetables , crackers , pretzels , etc . Candy is not allowed .
We are a Peanut free program . No peanut or nut-based products are allowed .