Report Cards
Students in integrated pre-kindergarten will receive a report card three times per year . Each marking period , parents / guardians will receive a copy of their child ’ s report card to keep . The preschool teachers will be available to meet with you to review your child ’ s progress . Parent conferences will be scheduled in the Fall , and parents are welcome to request a meeting with the teacher at any time during the school year .
All Students in the integrated pre-kindergarten program are transported to school by small vans . The children are provided with appropriate child safety restraint systems which they are required to use . Caregivers are responsible for buckling and unbuckling their child on and off the bus . Children are not allowed to eat or drink on the bus . To ensure your child ’ s safety , notify your child ’ s teacher when there is a change in your transportation routine . Three days ’ notice must be provided to the Pupil Services Office ( 860-253-6536 ) to make any transportation change .
If your child is going to be absent , please call the Smyth Bus Company by 7:30 a . m . Telephone : 860-623-8775 .
Behavior Guidance Plan
The Enfield Integrated Pre-Kindergarten Program believes that all children should experience success . We strive for a classroom setting that provides children with opportunities to explore their environment within consistent , ageappropriate limits . Within a developmentally appropriate model , classrooms provide the underlying structure and routine , which prevent most behavioral issues .
However , if behavioral issues occur , our philosophy is to help children learn human values , problem solving skills , and responsibility for their own choices . By using the positive behavioral support , we strive to minimize inappropriate behavior while creating a positive environment for all children .