EPS: JFK Handbook and Welcome 2022-23 | Page 25

The school counselor protects the confidentiality of information received in the counseling process as specified by law and ethical standards . School counselors are to inform the appropriate authorities when a counselee ’ s condition indicates a clear and imminent danger to the counselee or others . This is to be done after careful deliberation and , where possible , after consultation with other professionals . The State of Connecticut requires that school personnel , including counselors , report child abuse , child neglect , suspected child abuse and / or a child under 13 with venereal disease to the Connecticut Department of Children and Families .

SCHOOL NURSE INFORMATION John F . Kennedy Middle School has a full time nurse and one part-time nurse on staff . The nurses ' office is located in the main administrative wing . If you feel sick or have an injury , you must ask your teacher for a pass to the nurses ' office . You will get a nurses ’ pass to return to class . Parents will be called if it becomes necessary to dismiss a student due to illness or injury . Parents will also be called to inform them of concerns or issues with their student as they arise . If students request to call their parent , they will be allowed to use the school phone to call . If your student texts or calls from their cell phone to be dismissed due to illness , please be sure they have been to the nurses ’ office . Emergency numbers are most important in case parents are unavailable . Parents must sign in at the main office when dismissing a student . No student will be allowed to walk home . Students will not be dismissed without proper parent or emergency-person authorization . Parents can call the school nurses ' office ( 763-8880 ) with questions about their student ' s health and well- being . Voice mail is on at all times . CT State Law requires that every child be immunized before entering school . All students must be in compliance or they will be excluded from school until all immunizations are completed and documented . There are no exceptions to this Statute . All grade 6 students are required to have a complete physical ( on a St of CT blue form ) dated between the day after school ends in 5th grade and the day before the first day of school for 7th grade . Letters and forms will be mailed throughout the school year . In addition , CT State Law mandates screenings to be done during the school year by the nurses . Scoliosis screenings are required in grades 6 , 7 & 8 . All students will be screened by the school nurses in Physical Education classes ( students not in PE will be screened in the nurses ' office ). Letters will be mailed home if the nurse finds the need for a doctor ' s examination . Students with known scoliosis will be mailed referrals for updating . Hearing screenings are required for all 8 th graders . Those students with a known hearing loss will be mailed a referral for updating . Vision and hearing screenings are required for all 6th graders . Students who do not meet the passing requirements will be mailed a referral for doctor ' s examination .

ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICINES CT State Law , Section 10-212a , requires a written order by a physician or dentist and the written authorization of a parent or guardian for a school nurse , or in the absence of such nurse , the principal or any teacher to administer medications . Medication must be in pharmacy prepared containers and labeled with the name of the child , name of drug , strength , dosage , frequency , physician ' s or dentist ' s name , and date of original prescription . Over the counter medications must be in the original sealed container . Epi- pens and inhalers may be self- carried by the student but the proper doctor ’ s authorization must be on file with the nurses . All other medications must be brought in and picked up by a legally responsible adult . Call the Nurses ’ Office ( 763-8880 ) if you have any questions concerning this policy . Medication Authorization Forms are available in the office .