EPS: JFK Handbook and Welcome 2022-23 | Page 26

LIBRARY Students come to the Library throughout the year with their teachers . The Library is open during the school day , so students may use the Library independently with arrangements by a teacher . Late bus passes are issued to students on Monday , Wednesday , and Thursday , for after-school work . Students need to sign-up in the Library during the day to stay after . To either check out books or stay after school , students must have their student ID . Parent Resource Center is also located in a quiet corner of the Library . Tapes , books , and pamphlets are available for parents to read or check out . The Center is open each day from 7:30 to 3:15 . Evening programs of special interest are also scheduled throughout the year .

EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES A minimum average of 1.7 and not more than one “ F ” are required for participation in extra curricular activities .

ATHLETICS There will be inter-scholastic sports offerings at John F . Kennedy Middle School . Tryouts will be conducted at the beginning of each season for the following sports options : boys / girls soccer ; boys / girls cross country ; field hockey ; boys / girls basketball ; baseball ; softball ; boys and girls track and field . All athletes must have updated physicals before participating in any sport . Students participating in our pay to play program must also meet CIAC standards of practice as outlined in the CIAC handbook . A flat fee of $ 100 per student will be charged . Students who are eligible for Free Lunch will not need to pay to participate . Students on Reduced Lunch will be charged $ 40 . Checks should be made to “ Enfield Athletics ” with a memo stating “ Participation Fee .”

CLUBS Clubs are formed when enough students express an interest in an activity to warrant its organization . Interested teachers sponsor these clubs which meet after school . Clubs which were extremely active during past years are as follows : Color Guard , Craft Club , Drama Club , Mural Club , Percussion Ensemble , Rachel ’ s Challenge , Solo Club , Student Council , Tennis Club , and Volleyball Club .

NATIONAL JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY Eighth Grade students selected for membership in the National Junior Honor Society must posses specific creteria in the areas of academic performance , community service and leadership positions . The selection process will begin during the second semester of their eighth grade year .


Anyone who visits the school at any time during the school day will be buzzed in at the main entrance of the school . There are no other entry points to JFK Middle School throughout the school day . Additionally , all visitors must present a photo identification upon entry . This photo identification will need to remain in the office for the duration of the visit . All visitors must wear a visitor pass , which will be provided at the sign-in table . * Student visitors must have the prior permission of the principal to attend JFK Middle School .
FINAL NOTE Each student will receive a packet of school policies and forms during the first week of school . We assume you will familiarize yourself with the contents of the student packet as well as our electronic version of our student handbook . Should you have any questions about the content of