EPS: JFK Handbook and Welcome 2022-23 | Page 24

• Band / Chorus / Orchestra – students are expected to practice their assigned music at home .
• General Music – if the student is absent or falls behind in classwork , he or she is expected to complete work at home or after school . Students are also expected to spend time studying and preparing for tests .
Evaluation :
• Band / Chorus / Orchestra – 50 % performance assessments ; 40 % classwork ; 10 % homework . Students are expected to attend all performances .
• General Music – 20 % performance assessment ; 20 % classwork ; 20 % projects ; 20 % participation ; 20 % tests .
Writing Assignments :
• Band / Chorus / Orchestra - students will write critiques of musical performances . They are expected to use the vocabulary taught both in conversation and writing .
• General Music – incorporated in projects , reports , and notebooks . They are expected to use the vocabulary taught both in conversation and writing .
Technology Education :
Homework : Assignments are given according to the unit being covered . They are graded according to if and how well expectations are met . Homework not completed can lower grade significantly .
Evaluation : All assigned work is graded on the point system . Possible points are divided into the points the student has earned to get an average . Laboratory work is a significant part of the student ’ s grade . Writing Assignments : When applicable .
Art Department : Homework :
Students are expected to pace themselves to work within the time schedule . If the student is absent or gets behind , he or she is expected to supplement class time by completing work at home or after school .
Evaluation : Students will be assigned 7-9 projects per term ( 1 per unit ). In addition , various forms of assessments ( written and hands-on quizzes , and questioning ) will be given each term .
Writing Assignments : When applicable . Students are expected to use the vocabulary taught both in conversation and writing


GUIDANCE The school counselors and other guidance workers offer you , as well as your parents and teachers , the opportunity for conferences to assist in planning your present and future progress . It is our hope that these personnel will be fully utilized by you , your parents and teachers . If at any time you wish to see your counselor , come to the Guidance Suite before 7:56 in the morning and get a pass from your counselor . If your counselor is not available , fill out the “ Counselor Conference Request ” form and give it to the guidance secretary . Please follow the above procedure and you will avoid being disappointed when you want to see your counselor . The guidance phone number is : 763-8876 . The guidance secretary will be happy to connect you to your child ’ s counselor .