EPS: JFK Handbook and Welcome 2022-23 | Page 23

Evaluation :
Student learning will be evaluated formatively throughout a unit and from the use of performance assessments and performance tasks aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards . Projects and presentations will also provide students an opportunity to obtain , evaluate , and communicate information . Occasional summative assessments may be used to assess student understanding of the Disciplinary Core Ideas .
Writing Assignments :
Each student will be expected to construct an explanation and engage in argument from evidence when writing their conclusions to performance investigations . Other writing assignments may be utilized when applicable , including article summaries , persuasive essays , and responses to open-ended questions .
Mathematics Department :
Homework : Minimum of 3 times per week . There will be some variation when math classes study Geometry and Geometric construction .
Evaluation : Minimum of 7 test / quiz combinations over the quarter . These will also be supplemented with quizzes of a shorter nature . Homework counts as 20-25 % of the overall grade . Writing Assignments : When applicable .
World Languages Department : Homework : Assignments may be given according to the unit being covered . They are graded according to if and how well expectations are met . Homework not completed can lower grade significantly .
Evaluation : All assigned work is graded on the point system . Possible points are divided into the points the student has earned to get an average .
Participation may be a significant part of the student ’ s grade .
Evaluation of student progress is done in accordance with the district assessment calendar . Writing Assignments : When applicable .
Reading Department :
Homework : Assignments are given according to the unit being covered . They are graded according to if and how well expectations are met . Homework not completed can lower grade significantly .
Evaluation : All assigned work is graded on the point system . Possible points are divided into the points the student has earned to get an average . Participation is a significant part of the student ’ s grade . Writing Assignments : When applicable .
Music Department : Homework :
Assisted Reading
Daily Reading