EPS: JFK Handbook and Welcome 2022-23 | Page 22

HOMEWORK ( The homework policy will be sent home during the first week of school .) An important part of your success as a student is dependent upon your ability to study independently . Homework helps to reinforce your understanding of what you have been taught in the classroom . The student agenda has been issued to every student at JFK . Its purpose is to teach and encourage the practice of good study skills . Recording your assignments on a daily basis gives you and your parents the information you need to successfully plan and complete your homework assignments . Parents should insist that students use this book and check daily assignments . Students who lose their agenda book will be able to buy one in the school store for $ 5.00 . If absent from school , use the Homework Buddy System in the back of the homework book and call a classmate for assignments .


English Department :
Homework : Assignments will support unit coursework . Grading will reflect achievement of outlined expectations . Homework not completed can lower grade significantly .
Evaluation : Graded work is weighted as follows : * Assessment - 50 % of overall grade . * Classwork / Homework - 50 % of overall grade . Students are evaluated in accordance with the district assessment calendar .
Writing Assignments : Written products will reflect various lengths / formats . Structure , development , and conventions will be the focus of writing lessons and assessment . Writing is integrated with reading instruction .
Social Studies Department :
Homework : Assignments will support unit coursework . Grading will reflect achievement of outlined expectations . Homework not completed can lower grade significantly .
Evaluation : Graded work is weighted as follows : * Assessment - 50 % of overall grade . * Classwork / Homework- 50 % of overall grade . Students are evaluated in accordance with the district assessment calendar .
Writing Assignments : Written products will reflect various lengths / formats . Writing is integrated within each unit of our social studies instruction .
Science Department :
Homework : Homework will reinforce the concepts and skills being learned in each respective unit . The frequency of homework will vary depending on the investigations being facilitated each week .