EPS: JFK Handbook and Welcome 2022-23 | Page 21

2 . Restrictions on freedom of dress and adornment may not : A . Reflect discrimination as to civil rights ; B . Enforce particular codes of morality or religious tenets .
3 . The Superintendent of Schools shall develop administrative regulations with respect to stduent dress through cooperative planning with staff , students and parents . Such regulations would be subject to approval by the Board of Education .
JFK Dress Expectations :


High Honors :
3.6 average with no grade lower than a B- .
Honors :
3.0 average with no more than one ( 1 ) C .

REPORT CARD / PROGRESS REPORTS Report Cards are issued four times a year . Halfway between each report card date or at any other time needed , progress reports are sent home . These notices can apply to any subject and may indicate good work as well as unsatisfactory progress . Suggestions for improvement may be included in the notice . As a student , you should follow your teacher ’ s recommendations or suggestions in order that you will be working to your full capacity at the end of the quarter . A Progress Report and Report Card are invitations for your parents to call or come to school to discuss your progress with the teacher . We urge you to do this . If you are issued a Progress Report you will sign your name to it . Take it home for your parent ’ s signature and then return it to the teacher from whom you received it .

PROMOTION A minimum average of 1.7 ( C- ) is required to advance from Grade 6 to 7 , Grade 7 to 8 and Grade 8 to high school . All students not achieving the required 1.7 may have the opportunity to go to summer school to attain the required grade point average . Students returning to either grade for a second year shall be required to repeat the course of study prescribed for that grade .