EPS: JFK Handbook and Welcome 2022-23 | Page 20

8 . Eating , drinking , or any disciplinary code infractions as noted in Enfield Board of Education Policy 5131.1 will not be permitted on school buses by anyone at any time .
9 . Profanity and / or inappropriate language is not allowed on the bus . 10 . Missing the bus is not a valid excuse for tardiness or absence from school .
Any student who commits any violation of these rules will be reported to the school administration by the bus driver .

BEHAVIOR ON SCHOOL GROUNDS Students are expected to :

• remain on their assigned bus until given the signal to disembark by the driver .
• assemble outside their assigned wing and remain on school grounds after arrival in the morning .
• remain outside the building until 7:41 A . M . except in bad weather , when at the discretion of the administrator they may enter the building .
• enter through the wing to which they are assigned .

BUILDING AND CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR Students should behave appropriately in the halls , and in the classroom . They are expected to :

• treat their teachers and each other with respect at all times .
• respect school property and the property of others .
• refrain from chewing gum at any time or eating food , except in the cafeteria .
• use appropriate language at all times . No swearing , teasing or shouting .
• walk at all times in the building ; stay on right side of hall .
• stay on right side going up and down stairs .
• follow directions of all staff the first time given .

TELEPHONE Cell phones may not be used during the school day . Calls to parents are to be made in the house offices . Only calls that are emergencies will be allowed from the house offices . Possession or use of any mobile telecommunication device ( i . e ., cell phone , walkie-talkie , etc .) is prohibited by state statute . All cell phones must be picked up by a parent / guardian if confiscated .


1 . The Enfield Board of Education ( Policy 5132 ) declares that appropriate dress is essential in order to create and maintain the best educational environment for the students in the Enfield Public Schools . This environment must allow all students to learn and teachers to teach without distraction or disruption to the learning environment as well as be indicative of the dignity , pride and respect which our students have for our school , our community and for themselves .
A . Restrictions on freedom of student dress shall be applied whenever the mode of dress in question : 1 ) Is not clean , modest , and appropriate to the school situation ; 2 ) Disrupts the educational process ; 3 ) Constitutes a safety or health hazard for the student or those around the student ; 4 ) Damages school property ; 5 ) Is contrary to law .