It is important for you to realize that John F . Kennedy Middle School belongs to all of us - to you , to your teachers and to all the people of Enfield . We are proud of our pupils , our building and its grounds ; we are proud of the high quality of instruction offered here . In fact , we are proud of everything connected with JFK . With partial ownership of JFK comes responsibility and certain behavioral expectations . JFK students are expected to behave and conduct themselves in a manner that brings honor to our school and to their parents . We expect you to conduct yourselves appropriately with regard to the following areas :
As stated in the bus transportation policy of the Enfield Board of Education (
5131.1 ), bus transportation is not an unlimited right granted the student . Of utmost importance is the safety of everyone on the bus or at the bus stop . Thus , students will be held to reasonable regulations , which , if not followed , may cause them to be excluded from bus transportation . The school administration , authorized by the Board of Education in this same policy , will “ suspend transportation services for any student whose conduct while awaiting or receiving transportation to and from school endangers persons or property .” Any behavior that may distract the bus driver or infringe upon the rights of other students will also result in disciplinary action , including suspension from school .
The rules for the conduct of students using the school buses are as follows : 1 . Students shall always be courteous to the bus driver and follow his / her instructions .
2 . No student may ride on a bus other than the one to which he / she is assigned unless authorized by the school administration . Written parental permission is required if the student is to ride a different bus on any given day . Special situations might necessitate riding on a different bus ; however , visitations to other students ’ homes are not an acceptable reason .
3 . Students must not stand on the traveled portion of the highway while awaiting the bus . Students should get on and off the bus only when the bus is fully stopped . They must take a seat when they enter and remain seated while the bus is in motion .
4 . Students shall enter or leave the bus only at the front door except in cases of emergency . When entering or leaving the bus , students should avoid crowding or in any way disturbing others .
5 . If a student MUST cross the street to get on or off the bus , he / she MUST cross in front of the bus . The bus will not proceed until the student is safely off the traveled portion of the street .
6 . Students must not at any time extend their arms or head out of the bus windows .
7 . Students shall assist in keeping the bus clean and orderly . Papers or other objects may not be thrown on the bus or out of the windows . Students are to refrain from causing any disturbance that may distract the bus driver from proper and safe operation of the school bus .