EPS: JFK Handbook and Welcome 2022-23 | Page 18

suspension and explusion consistent with state and federal law .. ( See Policy 5131.9 )

JFK ’ s Safe Climate School Plan Please follow this link JFK ’ s SCSP

SUBSTANCE ABUSE POLICY Through the use of a K-12 curriculum , classroom activities , community support and resources , a strong and consistent student support system , and referral and disciplinary procedures , the Enfield Public Schools will work to educate , prevent , and intervene in the use and abuse of all drug , alcohol , steroids , mood altering substances , nicotine , tobacco and its related products by the entire student population K- 12 . " A student will be in violation of this policy if on a school bus , school grounds , during a school session , or anywhere at a school-sponsored activity , or at a bus stop , he or she is under the influence of alcohol , drugs , steroid or mood altering substances or possesses , uses , dispenses , sells or aids in the procurement of mood altering substances or over-the-counter drugs or drug paraphernalia . Such students shall be subject to discipline and intervention pursuant to the provisions and procedures outlined in this Administrative Regulation . Students may also be subject to discipline for the conduct listed above when such conduct results in a felony arrest or arrest of a serious nature , occurring both inside and outside of school activities on or off school property . Students who engage in such conduct outside of school activities and off school property shall be subject to disciplinary action with regard to participation in athletics and other cocurricular activities ." ( See Policy 5131.6 )


1 . Chewing of tobacco or like substance , or smoking of any kind or electronic nicotine delivery system ( e-cigarettes and vapor products ) is not permitted in any building or transportation vehicle under the direction of the Board of Education at any time .
2 . Possession of any smoking material or electronic nicotine delivery system ( e-cigarettes and vapor products ) chewing tobacco or any tobacco-like substance , of any kind , is prohibited in any building or transportation vehicle under the direction of the Board of Education at any time . ( See Policy 5131.61 )

SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY Sexual harassment is expressly prohibited and will not be tolerated in any form . Sexual harassment shall include , but not be limited to , unwelcome advances , direct or indirect demands or requests for sexual favors , sexual comments , gestures or other physical actions of a sexual nature when :

• submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual ' s educational success ; or
• submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for educational decisions affecting such individual ; or
• such conduct has the purpose or affect of unreasonably interfering with an individual ' s academic performance or creating an intimidating , hostile or offensive educational environment .
All reported incidents of sexual harassment will be promptly and thoroughly investigated .( See Policy 5145.4 )