EPS: JFK Handbook and Welcome 2022-23 | Page 17

EARLY DISMISSAL Any dismissial from school can only be authorized by the school office or building administrator ( s ). Parent ( s )/ guardian ( s ) that wish their child to be dismissed early should send the student to school with a signed note stating the time of dismissal . This note should be presented to the school admiinistration before homeroom period or in the morning on the day of the dismissal . Parent ( s )/ guardian ( s ) are to sign out their child in the main office . For the protection and safety of the student , dismissals are routinely made only to the parent ( s )/ guardian ( s ) of that student . If there are special circumstances that necessitate someone other than the parent ( s )/ guardian ( s ) to pick up the student , their name should be stated in the dismissal note .

NO SCHOOL / DELAYED OPENINGS In case school is canceled because of snow or any other reason , an announcement will be made over local radio / TV stations , social media , you can call the snow line at 253-5170 or sign up for a School Messenger robo call . Should a 2 hour delay occur , JFK will open at 9:48 A . M . and the busses will run 2 hours later than usual . Dismissal will be at 2:36 P . M .


The Enfield Public Schools ’ discipline policy ( 5131 ) governs student behavior in all Enfield Schools and will be sent home during the first week of school .

DETENTION POLICY A teacher may assign a detention to any student for the violation of any school policy or procedure . The teacher will notify the parents , in writing , of the offense and the time when detention will be served .

SUSPENSION Suspension is a disciplinary action taken by the school when all other means have failed to change the student ’ s disregard for standard school procedures . Prior to the student ’ s re-entry to school a parent conference may be required with the school administration .

In-school suspension is a disciplinary action used for continued minor infractions of school regulations . Continued violations that are seriously disruptive to the learning environment will result in suspensions from school .


ANTI BULLYING POLICY The Enfield Board of Education is committed to creating and maintaining an educational environment that is physically , emotionally , and intellectually safe and thus free from bullying , teen dating violence , harassment , and descrimination . In accordance with state law and the Board ’ s Safe School Climate Plan , the Board expressly prohibits any form of bullying , teen dating violence behavior on school grounds ; at school-sponsored or school-related activity , function or program , whether on or off school grounds ; at a school bus stop ; on a school bus or other vehicle owned , leased , or used by a local or regional Board of Education ; or through the use of an electronic device or an electronic mobile device owned , leased or used by the Board of Education . Students who engage in bullying , teen dating violence behavior shall be subject to school discipline ,