EPS: JFK Handbook and Welcome 2022-23 | Page 16

• Student ’ s full name and homeroom
• Date or dates of absence
• Reason for absence
• Parent ’ s signature . Please see Board Policy 5113 ( found on our website at ( www . enfieldschools . org ) for more detailed information regarding Attendance , Early Dismissal and Tardy to School policies .

Homework Requests If your child is absent from school for three days or less , he or she is to use the Homework Buddy System and call a classmate for assignments . There is a directory in the back of the homework agenda for students to list their homework buddies ’ names and phone numbers . If your child is absent for an extended period of time ( four days or more ) and is able to do some work at home , please contract his or her house office ( phone numbers listed below ) to request homework assignments . The following information will be needed : Student ’ s full name Student ’ s grade and homeroom The first day the student was out of school and how long you expect him or her to be out .

Homework assignments will be available in the main office for pick up by parents after 2:00 p . m . on the next day following the receipt of your request .
Upon return from an absence , it is the student ’ s responsibility to ask teachers what materials and information have been missed and to make arrangements to make up lost work . Work is to be made up within a timeframe worked out between the teacher and the student . Generally , a student is given a day for each day absent to make up the work
Red House Mrs . Michelle Flynn -860-763-8863
White House Mrs . Carla White -860-763-8867
Blue House Mrs . Goria Clymer- 860-763-8865

TARDINESS Tardy to school is defined as a student that enters the school building after the start of the school day or homeroom period . Ensuring that a student arrives to school on time is a parental responsibility . If a student arrives late to school , they need to report to the school office / house office to sign in . The student needs to bring a signed note from a parent ( s )/ guardian ( s ) to explain their tardiness .

TRUANCY “ Truant ” shall mean a student age five to eighteen , inclusive , who has four unexcused absences in any one month , or ten unexcused absences in one school year . Students who stay out of school for an entire school day without parental or school consent are considered truant . Students will receive a zero ( 0 ) for all schoolwork on the day of truancy and may be cause for disciplinary action , suspension , parent / guardian conferences , counseling and the use of community services to address student needs .