• Parent ’ s signature . Please see Board Policy 5113 ( found on our website at (
www . enfieldschools . org ) for more detailed information regarding Attendance , Early Dismissal and Tardy to School policies .
Homework assignments will be available in the main office for pick up by parents after 2:00 p . m . on the next day following the receipt of your request .
Upon return from an absence , it is the student ’ s responsibility to ask teachers what materials and information have been missed and to make arrangements to make up lost work . Work is to be made up within a timeframe worked out between the teacher and the student . Generally , a student is given a day for each day absent to make up the work
Red House Mrs . Michelle Flynn -860-763-8863
White House Mrs . Carla White -860-763-8867
Blue House Mrs . Goria Clymer- 860-763-8865