EPS: JFK Handbook and Welcome 2022-23 | Page 15



Connecticut law requires that children attend school regularly during the hours and terms that the public school is in session , unless specifically exempted from attendance by law . The Superintendent of Schools shall establish such procedures as deemed necessary to determine the cause of habitual truancy , including medical verification for excessive absence , and shall cooperate with other privite and governmental agencies in correcting the causes thereof . ( Board Policy 5113 )
Experience indicates that regular school attendance is important for school success . These regulations reflect our belief that classroom learning activities are an essential part of the curriculum for all students and are intended to reduce tardiness and absence from class . It is important to note that while the first nine absences in a school year can be deemed excused for any reason the parent or guardian provides , the tenth and each subsequent absence establish a more stringent and specific set of reasons for the absence to qualify as excused .
In cases of an excused absence other than family-initiated travel , appropriate provisions will be made by school staff regarding assistance with missed assignments , homework and tests . When an excused absence is the result of family initiated travel , teachers are under no obligation to provide advance assignments or to review work missed during the period of absence . However , students must be allowed to take make-up tests . The student ’ s Principal / Assistant Principal must be notified in writing of extended absences due to family-initiated travel . A student ’ s absence from school shall be considered excused if written documentation of the reason for the absence has been submitted within ten school days of the student ’ s return to school and must meet the following criteria :
A . For absences one through nine , a student ’ s absences from school are considered excused when the student ’ s parent / guardian approves such absence and submits appropriate documentation ; and
B . For the tenth absence and all absences thereafter , a student ’ s absences from school are considered excused for the following reasons : 1 . Student illness ( Note : all student illness absences must be verified by an appropriately licensed medical professional to be deemed excused , regardless of the length of absence ); 2 . Student ’ s observance of a religious holiday ; 3 . Death in the student ’ s family or other emergency beyond the control of the student ’ s family ; 4 . Mandated court appearances ( additional documentation required ); 5 . The lack of transportation that is normally provided by the district other than the one the student attends ( no parental documentation is required for this reason ); or 6 . Extraordinary educational opportunities pre-approved by district administrators and in accordance with Connecticut State Department of Education guidance .

Calling in Your Student Absent If a student is absent from school , parents are required to : 1 . CALL the school at 860-763-8855 before 9:00 a . m . to report the absence . Simply follow the prompts to report the absence on the attendance voicemail line . 2 . Follow up with a written excuse to the homeroom teacher , brought to school by the student on the day he or she returns . Please include the following :