Enfield Street School News ESS Nov 2019 Newsletter | Page 6

ENFIELD STREET GAZETTE WHAT’S THE BUZZ AT ESS! A Note from the Reading Rooms… Mrs. Jennings Mrs. Paradise Mrs. Woods The Reading Rooms are off to a busy start in this new school year. Our goal is to help all students within the school to become lifelong readers. As a school community we work with the classroom teachers to develop the use of reading strategies enabling them to become independent readers. We hope to foster a love of reading. Try to set aside some time to read with your child each day. This should be a fun time for you to spend together. You may choose to read to your child, listen to your child read or take turns reading. From the Computer Lab with Mrs. Hatfield Students are focusing on mastering basic computer functions in computer class. In Kindergarten, students have learned how to log into their computers, how to control a mouse and how to navigate a website. In first grade students are learning the placement of the keys on the keyboard. First graders are enjoying meeting keyboard characters to help them remember where each key is. In second grade, students are learning how to type using home row. They are learning the job of each finger on the keyboard and trying to become more efficient at typing. Second grade students are also responsible for the morning announcements each morning—they are very excited getting to see themselves on their classroom TV sharing Enfield Street’s important announcements! The First Readers Ceremony will take place on Monday, November 4 th . Our newly certified readers brought home their certificates and letters to share with families. You should have received your invitation to the ceremony. We are proud of our First Readers! "There is no substitute for books in the life of a child." — May Ellen Chase Art Studio