Enfield Street School News ESS Nov 2019 Newsletter | Page 7

ENFIELD STREET GAZETTE WHAT’S THE BUZZ AT ESS! Hello, from the Art Studio, hopefully your child considers art a very exciting and unique class! Much of Art class revolves around using materials, developing skills and, the blending of collaboration with invention. Students are learning about proper handling and storage of materials, specifically brushes and wet paintings. In Art class, the goals are to have fun, try and fail, and try again, and to get along with others. The rules for the room are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Enter Calmly Look and Listen Whisper, Share and Take Care Clean Up and Line Up When classes follow these rules the Art room is an open space for creativity, self- exploration, and valuing our friends. As projects find their way home, please try and find a chance to celebrate the work. If your child can do all the talking about the project, you win! A piece of artwork on clear display in the home can bring huge confidence and pride to your child. We eagerly welcome volunteers, donations and questions; hope to see you at conferences! Respectfully, The Art Department Library News Mrs. Sadosky Your child visits the school library once a week with their class. At that time they hear a story, learn about what the library has to offer them, and they are allowed to check out two books. Books are due back the following week. We’ve learned about taking care of books we borrow by reading “What Happened to Marion’s Book” by Brook Berg. “Bunny Cakes” by Rosemary Wells taught us about patience, creativity and determination. In “Going Places” by Peter Reynolds, Maya showed us now to think outside the box. Birthday Book Club forms were sent home with every child. With a $15.00 donation, a book will be purchased in honor of your child. A special bookplate will be placed on the inside cover with a special message from you. Your child will be the first one to check the book out and it becomes a permanent part of our library’s collection. It’s a great way to acknowledge your child’s birthday. (Just a reminder, if your child does not have a plastic bag for his/her books, may I suggest a large zip lock bag. There are many damaged library books due to spills in backpacks, which results in a bill being sent home.)