Enfield Street School News ESS Nov 2019 Newsletter | Page 5

ENFIELD STREET GAZETTE WHAT’S THE BUZZ AT ESS! Bucket Filling Celebration As most of you know, Enfield Street is a PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports) and “Bucket Filling” School. Students earn “warm fuzzies” for demonstrating our Core Values of being SAFE, KIND, and RESPONSIBLE. Once their classroom buckets are full, they dump them into our school bucket. The kids have had a terrific start to the new school year and have quickly filled up our school-wide bucket. We are very proud of them! Each time our school bucket is filled, we do something special to celebrate! On Friday, October 18 th we welcomed Officer Trifone (husband to our very own Mrs. Trifone, grade 2 teacher) and Officer Masis with their K9 dogs Tango and Oden to Enfield Street School for a K9 demonstration. THE KIDS ENJOYED IT SO MUCH!! Officer Trifone was so terrific when he spoke to the children. He tied in how they reward the dogs for good behavior with a special ball to the way we reinforce great behavior here at ESS with our warm fuzzies. He also talked about perseverance to the kids, explaining how it takes the dog an average of 44 times of practice to learn one new obedience skill. He continued to encourage the kids to keep working hard in school and keep reaching for their goals. Our students asked some very interesting and thoughtful questions, showing how curious they were! Officer Trifone was incredibly patient and knowledgeable and stayed on to answer every single one! It was a great day of celebration and learning at Enfield Street School! Please let your students know how proud we all are of them for working so hard to fill our school-wide bucket!!