Enfield Street School News ESS Nov 2019 Newsletter | Page 3
First Grade Fun strategies include using manipulatives,
drawing pictures, number bonds and a
number line.
Mrs. Hulevitch, Mrs. Lajoie, Mrs. Moffett,
Ms. Nicol & Ms. Scully In first grade our integrated studies are
comprised of Positive Behavior Intervention
Support (PBIS), science, social studies and
the Lego Education Program. Mrs. Woods
meets with the first graders every Thursday
morning to focus on PBIS. Here the
students continue to learn how to be safe,
kind, and responsible at Enfield Street
School! In science, social studies and Lego
we are discussing engineering and design,
communities, national holidays, and
Time flies when we are having fun learning
We are first grade readers, writers, and
mathematicians! We rock! We are
continuously using reading strategies,
predicting, visualizing, retelling, drawing
conclusions and using higher level thinking
when reading! We continue to learn snap
words for automaticity and to improve
fluency. We keep building our stamina to
read longer and stronger!
In writing, we will conclude our Small
Moment unit. In this unit we brought what
we do and our experiences to life in stories
about ourselves. In November, we will
begin a new writing unit focusing on How-
to. In this unit we will be become “tiny
teachers” writing about topics we are
experts at.
In math, we have focused on counting orally
to 120, number identification, identifying
the missing number and identifying the
greater number! We continue to use
addition and subtraction strategies to solve
problems. We are using strategies to add
and subtract to 10. These
We are so very proud of all the hard work
our students are doing to help them explore
and learn in school! Thank you for your