Enfield Street School News ESS Nov 2019 Newsletter | Page 2

ENFIELD STREET GAZETTE WHAT’S THE BUZZ AT ESS! Kindergarten Corner Mrs. Carroll, Mrs. Fritz, Mrs. Guertin, Mrs. Kraucunas & Mrs. Searcy The kindergarten students have been having so much fun learning about our school community and all the ways they can be safe, kind, and responsible citizens at Enfield Street School. They have begun reading learn about the world books and storybooks in reading workshop as well learning about their names, letters, and letter sounds in phonics. The students have also been writing true stories about things that have really happened to them in writing workshop as well as learning about the numerals 0-10 in math. They have been making observations about our ever- changing New England weather and continue to work on their fine motor skills with cutting, gluing, coloring, and writing letters with the correct letter formation. We are very proud of their growth so far. Please read to your child as frequently as possible and engage them in meaningful conversation to expand their vocabularies and social/emotional skills. Getting them involved in extracurricular activities is also very beneficial and will help to develop their social/emotional skills even further.