Elementary Student Handbook 2024-2025 | Page 18

TRUANCY ( continued ) 5113.2
1 . Notify parents annually of their obligations under the attendance policy .
2 . Obtain telephone numbers for emergency record cards or other means of contacting parents or other persons having control of the child during the school day .
3 . Establish a system to monitor student attendance .
4 . Make a reasonable effort by telephone and by mail to notify parents or other persons having control of the child , enrolled in grades one through eight , inclusive , when a child does not arrive at school and there has been no previously approval or other indication which indicates parents are aware of the absence . ( Note : Persons who in good faith give or fail to give notice pursuant to this section shall be immune from any liability , civil or criminal , which might otherwise be incurred or imposed and shall have immunity with respect to any judicial proceeding which results from such notice or failure to give notice ).
5 . Identify a student as “ truant ” when the student accumulates four unexcused absences in any month or ten in a school year .
6 . Identify a student as “ chronically absent ” when the student accumulates a total number of absences at any time during a school year that is equal to or greater than ten percent of the total number of days that such student has been enrolled at the school during the school year .
7 . Appropriate school staff meet with parents of a child identified as truant or chronically absent to review and evaluate the situation , within ten days of such designation . Such meeting may involve the school or District Attendance Team .
Students so identified may be subject to : ( a ) retention in the same grade to acquire necessary skills for promotion or retention .
( b ) a requirement to complete a summer school program successfully before being promoted to the next grade .
8 . When a petition is filed , an educational evaluation of the truant student shall be done by appropriate school personnel if no such evaluation has been performed within the preceding year .
9 . Provide coordination of services and refer “ truants ” to community agencies which provide child and family services .
10 . If in existence , refer the child to the children ’ s probate court truancy clinic .
The Board shall implement a truancy intervention model identified by the Connecticut State Department of Education ( SDE ) for any school within the District that has a disproportionately high rate of truancy , as identified by the Commissioner of Education . The intervention models must also address the needs of students with disabilities . Parents or other persons having control of each child shall be notified of such truancy model .